Thursday, May 7, 2009

Her first feast!

Sophia is doing so well! She has just started eating from the spoon and so far so good. We started her on rice cereal last week and have moved on to squash just last night. She made a slight face with the rice cereal but after the second night of it she was opening her mouth and squishing it around like a pro. Here she is in action!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

It's been a long time since I've written but have been dealing with kidney stones for weeks now. I finally had to have lithrioscopy last Friday to bust up a quarter sized stone in my right kidney. Apparently, Sophia wasn't the only thing growing inside me during those nine months. It's taken some time to recover but with Eric's love and help and a lot of love and support from my family, I think we've turned the corner. All the while, little Sophia has gone from being a newborn to a full blown infant, turning four months old last Wednesday. She's doing so wonderful. We were having a hard time keeping her asleep at night, not because she was hungry, but because she would pull a Houdini in the middle of the night and get out of her swaddle. Her hands would be in her face and she would be awake in minutes. Eric and I found ourselves getting up atleast 10 times a night to reswaddle her. So we broke down and bought "The Miracle Blanket". We are here to say it is indeed a miracle. She goes to bed anywhere between seven and eight, taking her "dinner" bottle around seven. Then Eric gives her a bottle around ten or so with a little cereal in the bottle and she sleeps like an angel until seven in the morning. She's a really good sleeper because she not only sleeps well at night but takes a great morning nap, a good mid day nap and then a cat nap in the late day. Boy is she busy during her wake hours though. She's had it with just lying on her back on her play mat. She wants to sit up and be able to look around. She's becoming very observant and smiling all the while. Just this morning we put her in her saucer and her little toes actually touched! Now that she's not just dangling there, she really loves it! She's growing up so fast. She went to the doctor last Thursday, a day after turning four months old and weighed 18.5 pounds and measured 25 1/2 inches! Here are some recent pictures of our sweet little girl!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pure sweetness!

I have nothing exciting to report except that everybody is happy and healthy! Here are some recent pictures of Sophia.

This is right before bed with a full belly and some serious sleepiness in her eyes.

This is her getting very tickled at herself in her Bumbo chair.

The sweetest face I have ever seen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sophia's doctor appointment

Sophia went to the doctor this morning for her second set of shots and for a weight and height measurement. She did really well with her shots. She just cried for a few seconds and then was her smiley self again. My tough girl! She weighs a whopping 16.2 pounds and measures 24 1/2 inches. She grew 2 inches and a little over two pounds from just 5 weeks ago. Everybody in the Vaccariello family is doing well!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Soaking up some rays!

The weather was so nice yesterday we put Sophia out in the driveway with her swing that Grammie gave her and she just loved it. She had the wind blowing through her hair which she thought was pretty neat and the sun shine felt so good. She watched Luke and I play fetch and just giggled at the whole thing. I can't believe she'll be three months old this week.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our little girl is growing up!

Sophia can hold her head up pretty well now. We've been practicing in the Boppy chair Bella gave her. She still needs a little help with the "Travel & Leisure" magazine her daddy engineered to help her but she's trying real hard. Her hair seems to be here to stay which we love. Usually it sticks straight up like Kramer so mommy went out and bought some clips and headbands. Here are her most recent pictures.

She works hard but does poop out eventually. This is when she was just pooped out! Being little is hard work. Tired but still sweet as pie!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Look out world, here I come!

Sophia went to the doctor this morning and man has she grown. She weighs 13 pounds and 12 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she was probably about to have a growth spurt long ways to catch up with her outward growth spurt. She got her first shots this morning which made both baby and mommy cry. She did pretty well afterwards though and seems to be taking it like a champ. She's such a sweet baby and most of the time has nothing but smiles to give away. She's doing really well with her sleep. She takes her last bottle at 10 pm and sleeps through til about 5 to 6 in the morning. We are super blessed!